what journals are you subscribing toの例文
To subscribe to the list, send e-mail to listproc Already, more than 18 million people subscribe to paging services. All four subscribe to Parcells'blue-collar work ethic. Of course I subs......

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Oyston attended the event and subscribed for two tables of guests. Employees of Sun Life will get all the shares they subscribed for. About this time his friends subscribed for a presentat......

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At the appointed time company stock rises in price , identify what equity card place sets more than buy the price , authority card hold person buy a share by subscribe price , earn market ......

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The five-year-old part is important; AOL will not let you access one of its international lines unless you've been a customer for at least 60 days . So if you hope to use AOL abroad in Aug......

subscribing to
To subscribe to the list, send e-mail to listproc Already, more than 18 million people subscribe to paging services. All four subscribe to Parcells'blue-collar work ethic. Of course I subs......

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Nevada notary duties : administer oaths or affirmations; take acknowledgments; use of subscribing witness; certify copies; and execute jurats or take a verification upon oath or affirmatio......

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It had an Inside Sumner hare and the principal event was the Aberdeen Journals Cup. Articles in the Aberdeen Journal from early in the 19th century bemoan the increased use of lard in plac......

academic journals
Jochimsen told Neue Gesellschaft Frankfurter Hefte, a German academic journal. That contrasts with studies in academic journals that require peer review. Students must publish papers in in......

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:The journals were accounting journals, each having its own name, e . g. Waiting for all accounting journals to be posted, balancing, reconciliation and producing paper reports adds to the......

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Public Knowledge Project ( PKP ) based in Canada was used to develop these platforms or websites for online journal hosting and originally began with African Journals Online ( AJOL ). Toge......

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After that meeting four organisations shared their lists of African studies journals : African Studies Centre in Leiden. Some of his short stories have appeared in the African Studies jour......

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The recommendations were published Monday in Circulation, an AHA journal. "There is so much confusion surrounding this issue, " said Dr . Lori Mosca, lead author of the new American Heart ......

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The company was then acquired by American City Business Journals. Sporting News'former owner American City Business Journals retained 35 %. It is published by the American City Business Jo......

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In 1806 he began the publication of the first law journal in the United States, the " American Law Journal ", published in Baltimore. In addition, Spaulding has published in several Americ......

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This work resulted in a 1937 article in the anthropology journal " Man ". Between 1889 and 1891, Kharuzin was an editor of the INSLS Department of Anthropology Journal. He also became the ......

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Archive Journal is a cross-disciplinary magazine published twice a year. In 2013, an article in " The American Jewish Archives Journal " ( Volume 65 containing numbers 1 & 2 ) featured Car......

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The National Herald is the flagship of Associated Journals Ltd ., which also owns a Hindi-and an Urdu-language daily.

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Their findings were published this week in The Astrophysical Journal, a leading international astronomy journal. Since minor planet designations change over time, different versions may be......

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The results have been discussed at recent scientific meetings and soon will be published in an astrophysics journal. In a report in last week's issue of The Astrophysics Journal, Dr . Rame......

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The Rail Accident Investigation Branch were called in to conduct a preliminary examination into the incident, and found it to have been caused by the failure due to metal fatigue of an axl......

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Stamford Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is hosted by BanglaJOL . BanglaJOL or Bangladesh Journals OnLine is a service to get easy access to journals published from Bangladesh. At prese......

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The Westchester Bar Journal is published semi-annually. She served as chair of the board of editors for the Boston Bar Journal. He was also an advisor to the " American Bar Journal ". He h......

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See the Bell System Technical Journal for several articles on the TSPS system and RTA enhancement. For details, see the " Bell System Technical Journal " published in 1975. See the " Bell ......

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What we need is serious news media, music biz journal, or academic coverage of this band. According to Biz Journal, Atlanta Chinatown was completely redone in the year 2000 by developer Pe......

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Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals ( BQFJ ), an open access, peer review academic publisher, was also incorporated in HBKU Press. Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals ( BQFJ ), an open a......